Friday, February 19, 2010

Daydreaming of a Green Thumb

When Mr. Pin Cushion and I chose our venue (to be discussed muy pronto, I promise), we were also choosing our caterer and florist. That's because our venue coordinator is also the caterer and florist (with the help of assistants, of course [I mean, she's amazing, but she's not Inspector Gadget or The Flash]).

Before our meeting to discuss flowers, I figured it was a good idea to decide what style of flowers I liked (yes, sometimes NASA does rent out my brain for my astonishing moments of insight [and I ain't cheap]).

During my time of flower introspection, I decided that while I could appreciate the traditional round and sculpted look (Side note: when used to describe a human body, those two words would be an oxymoron. Weird.) of traditional bridal bouquets and centerpieces, it just wasn't my style.

So so pretty. But not what we're going for.

Instead, I find myself drawn to arrangements that say, "Oh this thing? I just woke up and threw this together" (after a year of planning, but we'll keep that part hush hush). Most of my flower inspiration are of pieces more on the "wild side". Perhaps that's appropriate, since the whole "looking polished" thing has never been my forte (hair dryer? Never heard of it.).
[Source for the last 3]

With all these "straight out of the garden" inspirations, I began to daydream about planting seeds and bulbs and picking my own flowers for my bridesmaids' and my bridal bouquet. I even stumbled upon a great post on the Pioneer Women blog about building flowerbeds. Fate was telling me to go forth and garden, right?

I was shaken back to reality when I remembered that:
1. The door to our 'yard' is jammed and I can't even get through it by myself (it requires the strength of at least an ox and 2 body builders.
2. Once outside said door, this is the view that welcomes me:

(Yes, we do work so hard to maintain our yard, thanks for noticing!)

Not much room for building flowerbeds and planting my wedding flowers--barely enough room to contain our recycling bins! Alas, my visions of becoming a bride that grows and arranges her own flowers was not to be. Perhaps for the best, since I have not a lick of knowledge regarding gardening or flower arranging.

Have you daydreamed about things that could never, in a million years, work in the 'real world'? (I laugh in the face of logic and reality! Ha!)

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