The first DIY project the Pin Cushions undertook was our Save The Date cards. (Not) coincidentally, this was also the first project in which I became totally overwhelmed by the internet (well, the first wedding project at least; I've been overwhelmed by the interwebs plenty of times before [it's like a the blob people, it just keeps growing]). I was so inundated with the brilliant ideas of other people that I became physically unable to think for myself. It was a very serious condition. The doctors are still puzzled.
I didn't want to directly copy anyone's ideas, but my own creativity seemed to have been sapped by my computer. I had to take an internet hiatus and take a few days to do my own brainstorming. If only I had kept looking a bit more, I might have stumbled upon my dreamboat Save the Dates (which I would totally have stolen 100% [and felt no shame]):
Alas, I saw these wicked awesome 3-D glasses-requiring STDs only after we had sent ours on their merry way. Bummer.
My own save the date design came in the form of a going-to-sleep-WAIT!-I-have-an-idea moment. I turned on a light and sketched out a design. The next morning, Mr Pinster used my chicken scratch to whip up an Illustrator image. And that weekend, I utilized my familial resources and printed the cards at my parent's screen printing company (though I wasn't the one actually doing the printing [those machines are like a demonic Gocco and I wasn't willing to lose any fingers]).
Personal photo (taken from under the screen, so it looks wonky)
Here's our test run to see everything was lined up correctly.
We finished the printing, cut them, attached mini envelopes, ordered and added Moo cards to go with them, stamped them and sent them on their way.
Here they are in all their do-it-yourself-with-the-help-of-your-parent's-business glory:

The envelopes with a wrap around label and the quintessential King & Queen stamp.

The front and the back (though the card is pretty ambi-sided).
The vellum envelope held a mini-Moo card with all the details on one side (the orange side you can see above) and a variety of engagement photos on the other side.
The card (in case you don't have 100-20 vision and can't read the blurry photo above) reads:
After 10 years together,
6 educational degrees,
13,752 chocolate chip cookies consumed,
24 cross country flights,
2,513 high fives,
15 address changes,
dozens of Pictionary opponents humiliated,
and 1 amazing marriage proposal. . .
C & K are getting MARRIED!!
Who else has become overwhelmed by the internet and blogs and ideas? What did you do to get out of the funk? (I'm begging you, dear readers, for help, because it happens to me all the time!)
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