After Mr. Pin Cushion and I (and my parents, and my parents' employees, and my ex-uncle's dogwalker) created our
Save the Date cards, we figured it might be a good idea to set up a website . . . considering we'd put a web address on the cards (I
told you I have these glimmering moments of genius). Neither Mr. PC or I know anything about web design. But we like to challenge ourselves (and raise our blood pressures from stress while doing so). So instead of choosing one of the lovely build-yourself-a-very-nice-website-the-easy-way, we forged ahead with our own website design using iWeb.

I leaned heavily (like, fully body weight) on
Mrs. Cupcake iWeb tutorial. And I bumbled and fumbled my way along. After I managed to makes something that I was pretty pleased with, I gave myself a hearty pat on the back and let Mr. Pin Cushion do the more internet savvy part of actually getting it online.
Some screen shots to show offer our handy-work:
The home page (in which, by posting, I shout, "Anonymity, Shamonymity!")

Our story, in the form of a very long, rhyming poem ('cause I'm the
Rhymenoceros). The poem goes on for, um, another 20 stanzas or so (that's what happens with a 10 year long story).

Links to photos to make our guests sick of our mugs before they even get to the main event (the top pic is Mr. PC having an existential moment with modern art. It happens sometimes.).
I was still patting myself on the back when I stumbled across some other bees' posts. And then my hand stopped mid-pat, and hung sadly in the air, looking forlorn. Because wowza,
Miss Snow's site. And
Miss Chick's site. Well, they make my website look a bit amateurish (what? It was made by an amateur, you say?!). But hopefully not many of our guests will be checking the 'Bee, so they won't know what they're missing!
What wedding website are you using? Did you make your own?
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