Before I launch into recaps, I wanted to allow the newer members of the hive (bee-lings [much cuter than the actual term of larva]) to catch up on the Pin Cushion story (because nobody likes to come into a story halfway through it-what's going on?! Who are these weirdos?)
We met in high school. Which means we'd been together a decade when I started blogging.

The Pin Cushions went to college. Go Bears!

(Note the eyeball you can see in Oski's right eye hole-creeper!)
I moved to DC to go to nursing school.
Mr. PC visited me and proposed on the Lincoln Memorial.
I picked a dress (after trying on 1,256. Seriously.)

Mr. PC visited me and proposed on the Lincoln Memorial.
I picked a dress (after trying on 1,256. Seriously.)
Wheee! Ruffles!
We made our Save the Dates.
We got a little wild, and then a little weird, with our engagement photos.
(Photo by Steep Street Photography)
I admitted that Mr. Pin Cushion wasn't my soul mate.
We picked our wedding colors.

(All sources found in my original post, link above)
(Photo by Steep Street Photography)
We DIY'd a Faux-to Booth.
We procrastinated. Then finally wrote our ceremony. And then our vows.
And then we done got married, which is what I'm back to tell you all about.
So there's the Cliff Note version of our relationship and engagement. Any questions? Have you done long distance for your relationship?
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