Mr. Pin Cushion and I? We don't like to feel clueless. We like answers. We like feeling like know-it-alls. Our thirst for knowledge runs nearly as deep as our thirst for chocolate.
My desire to feel smart extends all the way to my photography poses.
(I seriously have boatloads of photos like this.)
(I seriously have boatloads of photos like this.)
So we didn't like it when we realized we were feeling clueless about our wedding officiant. We felt lost. Adrift. We brainstormed and created flow charts and acted out scenarios and set up computer algorithms to work out the problem.
One day, we finally got a break in the case. Our combined 41 years of education helped up come up with the perfect candidate: my dad. And at once, our know-it-all-ness was restored. Of course my dad would be our officiant. We felt smart once again. We knew the answer, and the answer was perfect.
My parents know Mr. PC and I as a couple better than anyone else. They have been witness to every stage of our relationship, as evidenced by the fact that:
- My dad picked Mr. Pin Cushion up for our first date together.
- We've spent a solid 10% of our relationship at my parent's house (hard to turn down free food and a quarter-free washing machine).
- We have shared a hotel room with my parents. . . on multiple occasions.
- I talk to my parents nearly every day so they hear about nearly everything that's going on in our lives.
- Mr. Pinster worked at my parents business for a summer.
- My dad taught Mr. PC how to snow board and play tennis. Mr. PC taught my mom how to do algebra. My parents taught the Pin Cushions how to work on our problems like adults.
Here he is, being hilarious. And easy going.
Check out those sweet glasses my dad was sportin'. But please ignore my apparent lack of pants.

My ability to take awesome photographs was apparent from a very early age.

While the left one is nice, the right one says "I'm a bit of a weirdo." Much more fitting.

And my dad sure can rock a tuxedo.
We were happy that our feeling of smartness had been restored. But mostly, we were happy to have an officiant who we loved and loved us back! But our cluelessness returned shortly when we realized we now had to write our own ceremony. . .
Out of curiosity of what the statistics may be:
Who is (was) officiating your wedding ceremony?
(A) A clergyperson (priest, minister, rabbi etc)
(B) A non-denominational officiant (judge, county clerk etc)
(C) A friend
(D) A family member
How did you pick your officiant and why?
Who is (was) officiating your wedding ceremony?
(A) A clergyperson (priest, minister, rabbi etc)
(B) A non-denominational officiant (judge, county clerk etc)
(C) A friend
(D) A family member
How did you pick your officiant and why?
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