My homeboy, Mr. Pin Cushion, is my sous chef, as well as my voice of reason when a cake starts to (literally or figuratively) fall apart.
Together we have created some pretty interesting and crazy fontant-covered creations (like the 2+ foot wine bottle cake above).

Gift box and cookie covered cakes. . .
1st birthday and Sweet 16 cakes . . .
Wedding and baby shower cakes . . .
Birthday cakes and a manatee themed swim team cake!
After all the cake shenanigans we've shared over the years, Mr. PC and I couldn't bring ourselves to come up with anything super-creative for our own wedding cake. We kept coming back to simple, buttercream coated concoctions. So, we went the opposite direction from most of our past cakes, and request roughed up buttercream with no border along the edges. It turned out exactly how we wanted; we spiced it up on the day of by adding sugar cookies I'd baked the day before.
Photo by the stellar Kelty of Steep Street Photography
What skills have you taught yourselves over the years? (Nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills . . . [name that awesome movie]?) Are you utilizing any of those skills in your wedding planning?
(All photos [except the obviously superior photo noted above by Kelty] are personal.)